
April 30, 2010

hey every body

im on a loaner computer. its a mini-dell, its small but itll  allow me to recieve and reply to emails.

dear friends

my computers broke,   it wont be fixed til the 15th, and i wont have access to a computer til monday. so if you know my number.......give me a call.

April 18, 2010

dear art viewer

dear art viewer

im currently looking for people who would be interested in making monthly micro donations of 6 dollars a month. the funds raised through these micro donations will be used to buy paper and other art supplies for my next show. the funds will also be used to help me hire an artist assistant so i can work on larger more complex works, and projects.

you will also receive monthly updates via email, free shipping on prints and get other forms of information earlier than non-subscribers.

April 14, 2010

did you know that currently i can only physically get into 1 gallery on market street without help

April 06, 2010

My e-book is now available

dear everyone, after many years of compiling text and diagram based works i have decided to put most of them in a 75 page e-book. this book contains around 90 percent of my out put between the years of 2004 and 2009. i also included 3 large scale posters and its all just 20 dollars.

art by file

im considering do an art by file heres a question. how much would you pay for high quality jpegs of my drawings. not just one drawing, but 25 of them.