
June 22, 2008

2 poems by me


twenty fingers intertwine
a knot of flesh emerges from the silence
two lost puzzle peices find the nitches
they have been searching for
before this night is over
both will become jesus
both will die and then be reborn


these empty moments carress our palms
filling the spaces left by former lovers
we enter ourselves in hopes of finding
something more than dust

1 comment:

CHARLAX said...


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They thought eye was but eye was not
Eye thought they were but eye was wrong
At least eye hope eye was
Eye was not the way they are
Eye was someone else inside
They think eye am just dust
And thought has made me so
Dust to dust I am and will undone
But some will want me whole
Some make clay and some make mud
And some make blood to floe
And one makes dust to rise
And love makes man to live and love
And want makes man to thrive
A flower bears my heart and thought
Thinking of me she
Making all my memories flee
All my thoughts on thee remain
On her to care for me again
I thought on her good name